By His Light: Character and Values in the Service of God by Rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein
One cannot overstate the great intellectual heights reached by Rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein, one of the greatest of the twentieth century Rabbis. He came from a background stooped in religious and secular greatness, coming from the infamous 'Brisk' tradition of talmudic analysis and biblical exegesis of Rabbi JB Soleveitchik, and a PhD in English Literature from Harvard University. In this beautiful work, touching both the mind and the soul, a collection of essays, culled from the infamous talks (sichot) of Rabbi Lichtenstein, are presented. Essentially, it is a collection of his thought on the issue of divine service. But don't be fooled! This is interpreted in the broadest possible sense, encompassing 'classic' questions like modes of serving God, and also more probing issues like the role of faith (bitachon), mutual responsibility (aravut) and character refinement. A breathaking range of issues that will be of pertinent interest especially to religious Jews, but I...